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Routing Akka

Josep Prat  GitHub Logo - 2021/02/12

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  • What are Akka Routers?
  • What is the difference between Pool and Group?
  • When to use Pool?
  • When to use Group?
  • What are the use cases for each Routing Strategy?

What are Akka Routers?

Routers are Akka's mechanism to distribute messages to a set of Actors. Enabling this way, parallel message processing.

What are Akka Routers?

Typically, an Actor (Router) will configure a router instance with several actors (Routee).

Diagram showcasing a Router delivering messages to its routees

What are Akka Routers?

There are 2 types of Routers in Akka, Pool and Group. The difference between them lies on where the Routees are created.

What is the difference between Pool and Group?

Pool Router: All Routees are children of the Router Actor.

Group Router: All Routees are created outside of the Router Actor.

When to use Pool?

Given that the Router must create the Routees, it is responsible for its lifecycle. The Pool Router will automatically remove terminated actors for the pool.

When to use Pool?

Pool Routers are best used for local actors. However, in Classic one could deploy (some of) the Routees in other nodes / servers.

How to use Pool Routers?

Given this worker in Akka Clasic:

import akka.actor.Actor
import akka.actor.ActorLogging
import akka.actor.Props
import scala.annotation.tailrec

import PrimeFactorization._
import io.github.jlprat.akka.lnl.routers.classic.PrimeFactorizationRouter.PrimeFactor

object PrimeFactorization {

    * Gives the prime factors of the given number
    * @param n remaining of the number to factorize
    * @param primes stream of primes
    * @param factors already calculated factors
    * @return
  def primeFactors(n: Long, factors: Seq[Long]): Seq[Long] = {
    if (n == 1) factors.reverse
    else {
      // This loop is not a Range because Long rages exceed the maximum length
      var i = 2L
      while (!(n % i == 0)) {
        i = i + 1
      primeFactors(n / i, i +: factors)

  def props(): Props = Props.create(classOf[PrimeFactorization])

class PrimeFactorization extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  override def receive: Actor.Receive = {
    case PrimeFactor(n) =>
      val init = System.currentTimeMillis()
        "Primes for {} is {} ({}ms)",
        primeFactors(n, Seq.empty).mkString(", "),
        System.currentTimeMillis() - init

How to use Pool Routers?

We create the following router in Akka Classic:

val router = system.actorOf(RoundRobinPool(5)
          .props(PrimeFactorization.props()), "PrimeFactorizationRouter")

How to use Pool Routers?

Go and run PrimeFactorizationMain.

How to use Pool Routers?

If another supervision strategy is needed, it can be configured in the Pool builder using .withSupervisorStrategy method.

How to use Pool Routers?

In Akka classic, one can define dynamically sized pools:

val resizer = DefaultResizer(lowerBound = 2, upperBound = 15)
val router: ActorRef =
context.actorOf(RoundRobinPool(5, Some(resizer)).props(Props[Worker]()), "router")

How to use Pool Routers?

Given this worker in Akka Typed:

import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.Behaviors
import akka.actor.typed.Behavior
import scala.annotation.tailrec

object PrimeFactorization {

  sealed trait Command
  case class PrimeFactor(n: Long) extends Command

    * Gives the prime factors of the given number
    * @param n remaining of the number to factorize
    * @param primes stream of primes
    * @param factors already calculated factors
    * @return
  def primeFactors(n: Long, factors: Seq[Long]): Seq[Long] = {
    if (n == 1) factors.reverse
    else {
      // This loop is not a Range because Long rages exceed the maximum length
      var i = 2L
      while (!(n % i == 0)) {
        i = i + 1
      primeFactors(n / i, i +: factors)

  def apply(): Behavior[Command] =
    Behaviors.setup { context =>
      Behaviors.receiveMessage[Command] {
        case PrimeFactor(n) =>
            "Primes for {} is {}",
            primeFactors(n, Seq.empty).mkString(", ")


How to use Pool Routers?

We create the following router in Akka Typed:

val pool = Routers.pool(4) {

val router = ActorSystem[PrimeFactorization.Command](pool, "PrimeFactorization")

toFactor.foreach { n =>

How to use Pool Routers?

Go and run PrimeFactorizationMain.

How to use Pool Routers?

Remember to supervise the Routee behavior if you want the pool size to be stable in size.

How to use Pool Routers?

Since Akka 2.6.11 one can configure which messages in a pool should be broadcasted to all Routees.

Use pool.withBroadcastPredicate for this.

Detour: Actor Path

An Actor Path is the hierarchical path of actor names starting at the "User Guardian" actor.

Detour: Actor Path

Diagram showcasing a Actor Paths

Detour: Actor Path

In Akka Classic, an actor can be retrieved by the given ActorPath.

In Akka Typed, one must should use the newly introduced Receptionist.

When to use Group?

Group Routers are best used when the workers might be created in different places.

Even, in different ActorSystems.

When to use Group?

Use it if you prefer:

  • Manual membership on the Router (only in Akka Classic).
  • Delegate lifecycle of Routees elsewhere.
  • Cluster friendly.

How to use Group Routers?

Given the same Routee as before, find the Classic Router:

val system = ActorSystem("PrimeFactorization")

val actors = (1 to 5).map { i =>
  system.actorOf(PrimeFactorization.props(), s"routee$i")

val paths = actors.map(_.path.toStringWithoutAddress)

val group = system.actorOf(RoundRobinGroup(paths).props(), "PrimeFactorizationGroupRouter")

toFactor.foreach { number =>
  group ! PrimeFactor(number)

How to use Group Routers?

Given the same Routee as before, find the Typed Router:

val initiator = Behaviors.setup[Unit] { ctx =>
  val routees = (1 to 5).map(i => 
    ctx.spawn(PrimeFactorization(), s"Routee$i")).toList
  routees.foreach { actorRef =>
        .tell(Receptionist.Register(serviceKey, actorRef))

  val group = Routers.group(serviceKey)
  val router = ctx.spawn(group, "prime-factor-pool")

  toFactor.foreach { n =>


val system = ActorSystem[Unit](initiator, "PrimeFactorizationGroup")

How to use Group Routers?

The Group Router will ask the Receptionist about all actors registered with the given key.

To avoid races, the router will stash any incoming message until the Receptionist replies.

What are the use cases for each Routing Strategy?

Akka comes with these different routing strategies:

  • Round Robin
  • Random
  • Consistent Hashing
  • Balancing
  • Smallest Inbox
  • Broadcast
  • Scatter Gather First Completed
  • Tail Chopping

Round Robin Strategy

Presence Akka Classic and Akka Typed (default for Pool)
How it works Router sends a message to each routee, always following the same order.
Use case Work load for all messages is equivalent. Messages don't need to be processed by any specific routee.


Presence Akka Classic and Akka Typed (default for Group)
How it works Router sends a message to any routee.
Use case Worker size is dynamic. Messages don't need to be processed by any specific routee.

Consistent Hashing

Presence Akka Classic and Akka Typed
How it works Given a way to calculate a hash for incoming messages, the Router will use it to select a Routee. Selection is consistent,as long as number of Routees stay the same.
Use case Distribution of work is needed. Each Routee holds only a part of the complete Application State.


Presence Akka Classic (only for Pool)
How it works All Routees will share the same mailbox. Given enough messages in the mailbox, all Routees will share an equal work load.
Use case Constant utilization of Routees is desired. Messages don't need to be processed by any specific routee. Routees can't be sent messages directly.

Smallest Inbox

Presence Akka Classic (only for Pool)
How it works Router picks the Routee according to its idle state and size of their mailbox. Remote Actors have the lowest priority since mailbox size is unknown.
Use case Constant utilization of Routees is desired. Messages don't need to be processed by any specific routee. Routees can be sent messages directly.


Presence Akka Classic
How it works Each message is sent to all the Routees.
Use case Any given message must be processed by all Routees, i.e. each Routee must have a copy of the full application State.

Tail Chopping

Presence Akka Classic
How it works Message is sent to a random Routee, after some delay to a second, and so on. Only first reply is sent ot he original sender, the others are discarded.
Use case On a distributed environment, we run the same query on multiple nodes in an attempt to lower Latency. Time is crucial but keeping an eye on resources.

Scatter Gather First Completed

Presence Akka Classic
How it works Each message is sent to all the Routees, then waits for replies. Only first reply is sent ot he original sender, the others are discarded.
Use case A problem might be solved using different algorithms/strategies and we want the fastest response time possible. Time is crucial at expense of resources.

Some examples can be found here for classic and typed.

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Josep Prat  GitHub Logo - 2021/02/12